
Kodi Seaton is the founder of The Un Group, a boutique creative agency that provides branding, graphic design, marketing and social media support for mission-driven businesses, distilling their needs from rough ideas into authentic brand identities. Current clients include include the Annie E. Casey Foundation, Catholic Charities, National Landing BID, and New America, among others. He has also served as a project and social media manager for major brands, conceptualizing and leading social marketing campaigns for companies including Mattel, Robinhood and YouTube. Before pursuing entrepreneurship, his past included a near decade as a Creative Officer for the Pew Charitable Trusts.

Kodi believes knowledge and kindness can be shared far and wide, and his passion lies in using art to educate, entertain and empower. Fittingly, Kodi’s name means “helpful,” and his life has always reflected a passion for service and uplifting others. Born to a family of advocates and activists, Kodi continues the tradition by volunteering and fundraising for various causes.

Since 2013, he has served as a “Big Brother” for Big Brothers Big Sisters of America. He is a mentor and admissions coordinator for Out in Tech, a haven for current and aspiring LGBTQ+ tech professionals. In 2022, Kodi became a Brand Ambassador for the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign’s College of Media, hosting webinars on creating enduring brands. He also acts as a Media Design Industry Advisor to aspiring teen artists at his alma mater high school.

In 2024, Kodi joined the board of Heard, a nonprofit whose mission is teaching creativity and life skills through art to people in need who may be in recovery, survivors of domestic violence or sexual assault, LGBTQA, older adults, immigrant, incarcerated, or transitioning from incarceration or homelessness.

In his spare time, Kodi exhibits a love of all things creative. He’s an accomplished singer, blogs on his eponymous website, produces and co-hosts a podcast (The Swirl), and is currently developing a novel. Kodi has also been profiled in notable outlets such as People, HuffPost, Yahoo, Extra, Fitbit and more, providing recommendations on fitness and goal setting.

Kodi Seaton was proudly raised in Pennsylvania and Delaware. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Interactive Multimedia Design and Communication from Wilmington University in New Castle, DE. He resides in Washington, DC.