Housing Sustainability Advisors

This past fall, I completed logo and website design for a consulting group consisting of thought leaders in affordable housing development and finance, sustainability, and energy. Housing Sustainability Advisors (HSA) consult with non-profits, government agencies, affordable housing developers/owners, and companies nationally.

Founded in 2020, the fundamental tenet of HSA is their belief of “access to a safe and comfortable home as a basic human right.” They seek to utilize sustainability efforts to “improve the quality of housing and turn energy requirements into investment strategies.”

We also needed to identify distinctive colors and looks for their future work, a series of spinoff programs.

I felt like we left a few strong options on the cutting room floor. The final result is a ribbon at the apex of the pentagon. Its fold draws the eye to the white space in the middle, evoking the space for housing creation.

Check out the process below!


Here are a sample of some of the directions offered to the client.