Catholic Charities “Comfort, Care and Compassion” 2022 Annual Report

The Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Washington provides the District of Columbia with services including meals, healthcare, legal and financial assistance, housing and sheltering, and educational programs.

Easily my favorite project of the year, my work with the communications team highlights the aforementioned areas of work using stats, personal stories and images of the community they serve.

In the last year, CCADC served more than 167,000 people, more than that of any pre-pandemic year. In addition, their humanitarian work included greeting buses of migrants from Texas and Arizona, providing essentials and resources.

The client wanted a piece that was hopeful in tone, highlighting their commitment to serving the most vulnerable members of the community.

For the third time in five years, I was able to collaborate with my colleague Maria Mandle of CreativeCouch Designs. Our process included presenting the client with two different concepts, bridging our individual ideas before settling on the final direction.

For more information on Catholic Charities or this year’s annual report, visit their website.